Christmas Blessings Mix with Printable Tags
Let the Christmas Season begin! Some of you may remember or have used our Thanksgiving Blessings Mix. Because it has been so popular and because we had a request from one of our followers, we decided to create a Christmas Blessings Mix. We hope that it provides you a simple and easy way to share the love and blessings of Christmas.
Just mix the ingredients below {amounts will vary according to the number and size of your containers} and attach the printable gift tags or snack bag toppers to make a beautiful and meaningful Christmas gift!
{Note: For the snack-size bags you’ll need to find the mini, individually-wrapped candy canes -We just added one to each bag.}
Christmas Blessings Mix
Bugles: Shaped as a trumpet proclaiming peace on earth, good will to men.
Pretzels: Symbol of a mother’s loving arms. Mary wrapped her Son in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger.
Red and Green (M&Ms): Red symbolizes the love of God who sent His son so we can have eternal life which is represented by the Green of the evergreens.
Candy Canes: The shepherd’s crook brings back sheep strayed from the fold, it reminds us to reach out and help others.
Peanuts: The promise of joy is planted in our hearts.
Hershey Kisses: The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives.
Download the Christmas Blessing Mix Tag HERE
Download the Snack Bag Topper HERE

Thanks for linking up to my Pin Me Party! These are great! I pinned them.
OMG I love this!!
This is so cute – Thanks!
I used your Thanksgiving Blessing Mix – can’t wait to use this too. Love It!
This is such a wonderful idea! I love everything about it!
Visiting from High Heels and Grills Work It Wednesday Link Party!
Thanks for linking in to Food on Friday: Christmas. We are now getting a great collection of Christmas ideas.
I am now signed up to follow you. A follow back to Carole’s Chatter would be wonderful – or are you already following? Cheers
This is just perfect..Love it.
I just linked up to follow…
Come see me when u can.
I have been looking for something more focused on Christ. I am making these for my Sunday School Class. Thank you- I love it!
SO SO happy to print both of these tonight….getting ready to give lots of these for these blessed Christmas season. Can’t thank you enough for doing the work for us. These are awesome!
Thanks Marsha – I hop your friends love them! Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!