Thanksgiving Blessings Mix (and printable gift tag)
Sometimes it feels that as soon as Halloween is over we move straight to Christmas! Probably because the stores all move straight from Halloween to Christmas which seems to bring the Holiday anxiety – wondering how we are going to get it all done! {So how many Christmas gifts do you have already stashed in the closet? I admit I already have a few . . . my problem is I stash them away and then completely forget until February when I accidentally uncover them- Ha! }
I think that is why I love Thanksgiving – a chance to pause and reflect on what’s really important {At least until Black Friday, right}. So to start us off on the being grateful season, here’s a cute snack mix to share with friends and neighbors. I love this mix because each of the ingredients represents a blessing in our lives and reminds us of what’s important. Of course we’ve added a cute tag so you can package it up and share it with those you love : )
Thanksgiving Blessings Mix
Bugles: Shaped like the cornucopia, a symbol of our abundance.
Pretzels: Arms folded in prayer, a freedom from those who founded our country.
Candy Corn: The sacrifice of the pilgrim’s first winter. Food was so scarce they survived on just a few kernels of corn a day.
Nuts/Seeds: Promise of future harvest – only obtained if we plant and nourish with diligence and faith.
M&Ms: Memories of those who came before and lead us to a blessed future.
Hershey’s Kiss: The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives.
Mix all together and package up in bags, tins, or baskets for a great Thanksgiving Gift!
You can download the printable gift tag {also has topper for snack-sized ziplock} here
Gift tags created with graphics from our favorite- Summertime Designs. You can visit her blog here.
Here is a page of just the snack toppers {per your requests 🙂 }
Here is a page of just the tags here
Don’t miss out – by popular demand, we’ve also made a Christmas Blessings Mix and Printable Tags for your also!
You may also like:
Orange We Blessed Thanksgiving Tags and Ideas
Cornucopia Party Favors/ Place Cards
A Grateful Heart is a Happy Heart

Such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing!
This is so cute and perfect for Thanksgiving. Thanks so much for sharing.
Um, adorable just like you ladies are! I am sharing this amazing idea over on my blog on Thursday!
Love this printable!! Thank you so much for the great post. I am passing on the Liebster Blog award to you. You can check it out here:
This is so cute! I found you through Polka Dots on Parade. Thanks for sharing!
Love this! Thanks for sharing.
This is such a nice idea and will perfect favors for Thanksgiving Dinner. Thanks for sharing the great printable. Popping over through A Little Nosh.
I love this! Thanks for sharing!! I do not understand how to dowload it so I can print it from 4shared. Can you give directions? Thanks
The link on this post will take you to 4 shared – there is a blue block that says download now, click it and then it brings up a 20 second timer. At the end it will say download now (sometimes your computer will ask if you want to open or save) It should open a PDF file you can print. If you have more trouble email me at and I’ll see what we can do! Thanks
Kyra, I LOVE this! Such a neat little gift with a wonderful meaning! I definitely want to make these as favors for our family on Thanksgiving! Can I please beg you to share this here? Pretty pleeeease?
What a lovely idea!
Super cute! Thank you for sharing! However, I just noticed a mistake. The bag topper label is missing the Hershey’s Kiss description. I was going to do these for our family Thanksgiving with the snack bag topper, but I guess I’ll do the hang tag instead. The Hershey’s Kiss line is perfect since it is a family meal so I can’t do without it! 🙂
Suzanne – Thanks so much for the headsup! So sorry that got cut off. I am out of town, but will have the correction up by Friday!
Cute idea! I would love to have you link up to my new linky
Featured this today at One Artsy Mama!
Yeah – Corrected tag now uploaded! 🙂 Thanks for your patience…
I love this! I’d like to invite you to share this on Saturday at our Seasonal Inspiration party.
Everytime I try to print the PDF tag, it takes me to page to pay for it. Is this correct? Please help.
Just in case anyone is having difficulty downloading – here are the step by step instructions (if you still have problems email us at and we’ll just email the pdf to you 🙂
1. The link will take you to 4Shared. There is a green box at top that says “download” – skip it (this is if you want to buy the program)
2. Go down and it says “CPBlessingsMix” below it is a blue box that says “download now” – click that.
3. Next it asks if you want fast or regular (boxes with clocks) – just click on regular. Then wait 107 seconds – timer will count down.
4. When the timer is done it will say “download now” – click it then hit open for the pdf file.
(PS – if you download a lot of scrapbook graphics 4shared is great and worth paying for the program; otherwise just wait and its free!)
Thank you so much – not only for the great idea, but the “pause” for Thanksgiving. I told my children when they were younger that we were not going from “gimme” at Halloween straight to “gimme” at Christmas. We were going to pause and give thanks for our many blessings. We had no Christmas at our house (save shopping) until after the Thanksgiving dishes were done. After that, out come the Christmas decorations, on goes the music and drinking of egg nog. Again – thank you for the reminder to pause for thanks.
Thank you so much for sharing! I’m new to this crafty world and all these ideas are so adorable that I would like to make for my sions class and teachers. I have one question since I’m new to this, how do you print it if I just want the ziplock size? Can wrap my head around it bc I don’t want to waste so much ink with the part I don’t need 🙁 Sorry if this is a silly question but again I’m a newby to this ADORABLE world of crafts 🙂
Annie – since you will be doing a lot I can email you a pdf with just the snack bag toppers (no sense wasting all that ink)! If anyone else needs it just email
I am doing this for Sharing time in Primary. I think if I can find scriptures to go with each item:bugles,pretzels… it will work. Any other ideas that will work I would love feedback. Thanks
Thank you so much! I love this!
i found you through thank you for posting this. i will be giving this treat to my son’s teachers tomorrow!
I found this via Pinterest! Thank you so much for offering the free download! I made these last night for my daughter’s class & teachers 🙂 They came out really cute. Thanks again!
What a great printable! Thanks so much!
Hello, I have tried and tried to download the Thanksgiving printables and it will not let me 🙁
Lori – check your email, I’ve sent the PDF files to you! 🙂
Love this idea and printed the tags perfectly. I am using this for my Thanksgiving table and my grandchildren’s special treat! Thank you sooo much!
Any chance you could send me the file, too?…i’ve tried and tried to download but it won’t let me without signing up. 🙁
Michelle – check your email for the files! Thanks for following
I love this mix. What a great gift or favor. Featured you today…thanks again for sharing your posts!
I also tried to print just the snack toppers and unfortunately it wouldnt let me. Would you be able to send a link my way? Thanks!
Tiffany – files have been sent to your email. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you Thank you. Made these for my preschool class and they were a big hit.
Thanks we made this for the teachers at our school and they loved them! Love your printables.
Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us. This made for a wonderful and easy to do class project. Bless you!
Hello, I can’t seem to get the download to work, can you email me? I would like the gift tag only! thanks so much and can’t wait to share with my son’s school!
Janell – check your email!!
Love to use this. Could you please send me the Ziploc bag tag? I really appreciate it!
I would love to use this! I tried to download it but it wouldn’t work. Could you possibly email me the gift tag? Please and thank you!
Lynsey – files sent. Have a great Thanksgiving!
What a very cool and meaningful gift idea!
I love this idea!!! Thanks you so much for sharing. I will have to give a few of these out!
Hi I have tried and tried to download this cute bag topper but can’t. Could you also please email it to me? Thanks. So cute!
New Dropbox added, but if you want to use 4share, here are some step by step instructions (thanks Marian)
Just in case anyone is having difficulty downloading – here are the step by step instructions (if you still have problems email us at and we’ll just email the pdf to you 🙂
1. The link will take you to 4Shared. There is a green box at top that says “download” – skip it (this is if you want to buy the program)
2. Go down and it says “CPBlessingsMix” below it is a blue box that says “download now” – click that.
3. Next it asks if you want fast or regular (boxes with clocks) – just click on regular. Then wait 107 seconds – timer will count down.
4. When the timer is done it will say “download now” – click it then hit open for the pdf file.
(PS – if you download a lot of scrapbook graphics 4shared is great and worth paying for the program; otherwise just wait and its free!)
What a great idea. How much did you use and how much did it make. Thanks in advance.