April 14th, 2011
Marinade for Flank Steak or Chicken
We love to grill and we love to marinate flank steak to go with our Caramel Potatoes! Fortunately we can grill year round in Texas (I’m so sorry for you that are still dealing with snow, but summer will come).
I buy my flank steak at Costco or Sam’s (usually 2 to a package). When I get them home I put them in individual Ziplocs with the marinade and then freeze them. That way they are ready to go whenever and they can marinade as they defrost. (I usually grill chicken with the flank steak since the steak is a little expensive and I have a couple of carnivores in the family who will devour any beef in site!)
NOTE: We are big proponents of “Cook Once Eat Twice” – Be sure to grill extra meat (chicken or steak) for great Paninis the next night – just add some grilled onions and peppers and your favorite cheese!
Marinade for Flank Steak or Chicken
¼ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons Raspberry Vinegar*
2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
¼ Cup Soy Sauce
2 Tablespoons Honey
1 Clove Garlic
*The Raspberry Vinegar can sometimes be hard to find – they have it at my local Kroger and Market Street or you can get it at whole foods. Check your local grocer.
Place all the ingredients in a gallon size freezer bag and “mush” together; then add your beef or chicken. (If you are doing both chicken and beef make two bags of marinade and keep them separate. If you have a double pack of flank steak from Costco, you’ll need to use two bags also.)
Marinate the flank steak overnight. I usually do the chicken overnight as well; however, it works if you only have a couple of hours to marinade the chicken. (You can freeze both the chicken and the beef in separate bags at this point – get them out the night before you need them and place them in the fridge – they will marinate as they defrost.)
Grill your meat as desired then let it rest for 5-10 minutes before you cut it. Flank steak should be thinly cut on the diagonal across the grain of the meat (This actually makes it more tender).
The flank steak is fabulous with our signature Caramel Potatoes; both the chicken and steak go well with Fettuccine Alfredo, Tortellini Salad, our go-to Spinach Salad, or any other summer grill favorites.