Milk & Cookie New Year’s Toast for Kids
It is the end of 2013, it was a great year, but I am looking forward to a new year. A new year always seems like a fresh start. A time to reflect and commit. I am a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions and have been thinking about what I would like to accomplish this next year. For one, I would like to paint my bedroom. I have hated it since we moved in almost 4 years ago and always say I am going to paint it. I think that 2014 is going to be the year that this actually happens. I have a few other things in mind and can’t wait to see what my kids come up with for their resolutions this year. It is always fun to see what their goals are in life.
What kid doesn’t love the opportunity to stay up until after midnight and make a bunch of noise. Letting my kids stay any night earns me super mom points. Do you let your kids stay up and bring in the new year? Why not let them have a little toast of their own this New Year’s Eve (even if you set the clock ahead a couple of hours). Be sure not to let the kids have all the fun, grown-ups like milk and cookies too. Just use your favorite cookie and some milk, doesn’t get much easier than that.
If you need some great cookie recipes be sure to check out our favorites here. There are a lot of delicious options.
These Milk and Cookie Toasts are a big trend at weddings lately, be sure to check out these serving ideas here.