Golden Oreo Cupcakes {Doing It For Duncan}
What’s more fun than a golden delicious cupcake? How about a cookie and a cupcake combined! These Golden Oreo Cupcakes have both are dedicated to our adorable nephew/cousin. You see, Gold is the color of Childhood Cancer Awareness.
Today we are doing something a little different on Caramel Potatoes- not to make you cry {although you probably will so grab a tissue}, but to make you aware. Aware of a few things you may not know about childhood cancer – because children can’t fight cancer alone.
Duncan’s Story:
Duncan is an amazing kid who loved Daniel Tiger. A kid who loved his three big sisters. A kid who loved his mother’s singing. A kid who loved Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. A kid, who despite radiation, still had more hair than his father.
Duncan was born to a wonderful and beautiful family who love him so much. Shortly after Duncan’s first birthday he was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive cancer (ETANTR). Instead of spending the next year learning to run, and jump, and play, Duncan spent his days in and out of hospitals fighting for his life. His bravery and infectious smile touched the hearts of everyone he met. However, a few weeks ago, his battle came to an end and we had to say our goodbyes to this sweet and brave little guy. Yes, our hearts are broken, but our faith is firm and we know he is happy and healthy once again.
Tomorrow would be Duncan’s 2nd birthday, and in his honor, Duncan’s community is having a huge event to celebrate his life and to raise awareness- We can’t be there in person, but we wanted to join the celebration and share something special for Duncan {cupcakes}, and to help us all be a little more aware.
You can read more about Duncan’s heroic fight at
–>Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the U.S.
–>About one 300 children will develop cancer before their 20th birthday. {One in 300? This statistic is staggering.}
–>Less than 5% of the Federal Government’s total funding for cancer research is dedicated to childhood cancer each year.
–> Childhood cancer does not discriminate, sparing no ethnic group, socio-economic class or geographic region.
–>Cancer treatments can affect a child’s growth, fertility, and endocrine system for the rest of their lives.
Wear Gold! The color of Childhood Cancer Awareness.
Support the Ronald McDonald House – we had to put this plug in for the love and kindness Duncan and his Mother received during their stay away from home and family.
Is your Church or School looking for a service project? The CURE Sacks they are making at Duncan’s Celebration mean so much to these young cancer patients and their families. Talk to you local hospitals about their needs.
Remember the children when you make these Golden Oreo Cupcakes~ awareness is the first step to making a positive change to fight Childhood Cancer.
Read more at: or www.curechildhood cancer
Golden Oreo Cupcakes
For the Cupcakes
58 Golden Oreos (2 packages- divided use)
1 box vanilla cake mix
3 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup oil
For the Buttercream Frosting
6 cups powdered sugar
2 cup butter, softened
2 teaspoons vanilla
4-6 tablespoons milk or cream
Preheat oven to 350. Line 24 cupcake tins with liners and then place one Oreo cookie flat on the bottom of each liner.
Mix the cake mix, eggs, buttermilk and oil until well incorporated. Add the 1 teaspoon vanilla and mix completely.
Place 1 1/2 tablespoons of the batter on top of each cookie in the liners. Bake for 18 minutes. Cool.
To make the Buttercream Frosting: Mix together the sugar and butter on low speed until well blended. Increase the speed to medium for 3 minutes. Add vanilla. Slowly add milk or cream and adjust as need until you reach the desired consistency.
To Assemble: Frost each cupcake (spread or pipe it on) and garnish with an additional oreo on top. Crush the additional 8 Oreos and sprinkle on top each cupcake.
Recipe adapted from Cupcakeables. Makes 24

So sorry to hear about little Duncan passing away. My prayers are with his family. His family will see him again one day. What a little sweetheart, he is adorable. God Bless the family!
Hi Kyra! Your in,was used to live across the street from us in Redmond. We are so sad for Shauna and AJ and the girls, what an enormous loss they’ve suffered. I love your cupcake creation for Duncan, will make them for my Beehives this week. Thanks!
Thanks Nan. I remember nice visits with you in WA.
Hate auto-correct! I meant your in-laws used to live across from us! Nan
I am so sorry for your loss – what an adorable little boy!
Oh so sorry – what a cute boy. Hugs to your and your family!
God Bless Duncan and all the children with this disease! Cancer Sucks!
Our family has dealt with this tragedy too. Much love to Duncan’s parents and sisters.
My sister lost a sweet little girl to cancer. It is a hard journey for the family. There are wonderful online support groups to talk to other who have been there. God Bless.
God’s love to you all.
Hello. Hugs to your family.
Question about the recipe. Do you follow the cake box instructions and add the additional 3 eggs??
First time makin these!!
Jenna – sorry for the confusion – just use the dry cake mix and add the eggs, buttermilk, oil and vanilla. Thanks -hope you love them!
Just wanted to say that I made these today. They went off with a BANG! My co-workers loved loved loved them. Not a single one left over. Thanks for sharing and responding to my question earlier 🙂
Yeah – Don’t you love it when a plan comes together so deliciously!!