Roasted Pumpkin Seeds {Happy Halloween}
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! We are super excited for trick or treating at our house. We have done the parties, the pumpkin carving and now it is time to TRICK OR TREAT! What is everyone dressing up as this year? My kids take a lot of time in deciding what they are going to be for Halloween.
My two girly girls decided to be witches. But we couldn’t have just any witch costume, so we turned to our good friend Pinterest for some inspiration. And I do have to say I am happy with the way they turned out. This is the first year that I made any of my kids costumes and despite a couple of late nights and several trips to Hobby Lobby they turned out. Miss M being is 2nd grade wanted to be more of a mature and sophisticated witch:
Every witch needs her own hat:
And little Miss K got to be the witch I wanted her to be:
And the hat, I am so pleased with how this turned out!
Mr. C decided to be a soldier this year. Not just any soldier but an airborne soldier. I was quite surprised by his decision. He had been tossing around every superhero for a very long time, but when we went to the store to look he quickly made a decision once he saw the army costume. His uncle recently joined the army and is currently enduring basic training. Mr. C is very intrigued with his uncle’s training and wanted to wear a uniform.
My 3 kiddos are all about Halloween. The younger two, I am pretty sure have a serious addiction to sugar. They can never get enough. Miss M, however, will save and save and eventually forget her candy stash. It’s not that she doesn’t enjoy her sugary treats, she just needs a much smaller dose.
Pumpkin carving is a very big deal at our house. We are not professional by any means, but it has to be done. Our pumpkins usually all look the same because no matter what faces the kids draw mom and dad can only maneuver the knife in so many ways. But what is fun is to clean out the pumpkins. My kids every year think it is the most disgusting thing they have ever done. It is so slimy and gross. We end up with “pumpkin guts” all over the place as kids fling it from their hands. {Good Times 🙂 } And you can’t carve a pumpkin with out roasting the pumpkin seeds. How often are you getting to make your own pumpkin seeds? Like never! I know we only carve pumpkins once a year. So don’t throw out those “pumpkin guts” until you have set aside the seeds.
We hope that everyone has a SAFE and FUN halloween tonight!!
Last one, I promise. I know this is a recipe blog, not a Halloween showcase, but they just look so cute! SO thank you for indulging me. 🙂
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
pumpkin seeds, fresh from the pumpkin itself
vegetable oil
Preheat oven to 300. Rinse off all the “pumpkin guts” from the seeds. Pat seeds dry.
Spread seeds on a large baking tray and lightly toss with a little oil. The amount depends on how many seeds you recover from your pumpkins. You do not want the seeds to be heavily coated. Toss with some salt for taste.
Bake seeds 35-45 minutes or until golden brown. Stir about every 10 minutes or so.

Love those cute kids!!!
Way to go on the witch costumes. I am pretty impressed with your skills. We always cook our pumpkin seeds and love it (except when I burn them…)
What adorable costumes!!
I always plan to roast the seeds, but somehow by the time we get done with are the carving it just seems easier to dump them with the rest of the trash – haha! Maybe next year. PS. Love the costumes!
I was never sure how to roast the seeds thanks and the costumes are so cute. happy halloween!