Sweetheart Smoothie
Happy Valentine’s Day! I just got home from dropping off my daughter at school, and it is so fun to see all the excitement this morning. All the kids walking into school are dressed in pink or red and carrying their Valentines. There was definitely some added excitement this morning at school.
I love holidays. It is so fun to have a day to celebrate and do something special. Especially a day like today when it is all about love and friendship. I sent my kids to school with Valentines for their friends and teachers, I have cupcakes waiting to be frosted for the Girl Scout party later today and my kids are happy and excited. What a great way to start the day.
And if you know me at all, every celebration is centered on food. And are we in for a treat today. This smoothie is the perfect thing for Valentine’s Day. It is a smoothie that tastes like a chocolate covered cherry. YUMMY!! Now can’t you see some one you love enjoying this. {Or I am not going to judge if you make it for yourself, even if it is Valentine’s Day. It is good to show a little love for yourself too. ;)}
I hope you enjoy Valentine’s Day and celebrate all those who are dear to you!!!!
Sweetheart Smoothie
1 cup vanilla almond milk
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen cherries
1 (6 oz) container cherry yogurt
1 tablespoon hot chocolate mix
Place everything in the blender and blend until everything is incorporated and smooth.
*Makes one large smoothie (about 24 oz) or 2 smaller smoothies (12 oz).